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VA Acronyms 2010 List #9

  • Monday, March 22, 2010 14:23
    Message # 313301

    T for D T for D Termination for Default (T4C)

    T&A Time & Attendance 07/09/04

    T&E Test and Evaluation 07/09/04

    T&L Time & Leave 07/09/04

    T&M Time and Materials (contract)

    T2P2 Theater Telemedicine Prototype Project 07/09/04

    TA Technology Assessment 07/09/04

    TA Technical Assistant (to the Contracting Officer)

    TAC Tactical Air Command

    TAC Technology Assessment Committee 07/09/04

    TAG Technical Advisory Group 07/09/04

    TAIHOD Total Army Injury and Health Outcomes Database Multiple personnel and health datasets from various

    Defense Department agencies, linking four general

    categories of data: demographics, health outcomes, selfreported

    health habits and risk-taking behaviors; and

    chemical exposures.


    TAMC Tripler Army Medical Center 07/09/04

    TAP Transition Assistance Program Furnishes employment assistance, job training

    assistance, and other transition services, including

    counseling, to service members who are scheduled for

    separation from active duty.


    TAR Technical Agreements Repository 07/09/04

    TBD To Be Determined 07/09/04

    TBI Traumatic Brain Injury 07/09/04

    TBIMS Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems program The TBI Model Systems consist of 16 comprehensive

    systems of care that conduct research and provide care

    to persons who experience traumatic brain injury.


    TBINDC Traumatic Brain Injury National Data Center coordinating center for the research and dissemination

    efforts of the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems

    (TBIMS) program.


    TCMP Technology Change Management Plan 07/09/04

    TCO Terminating Contracting Officer

    TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 07/09/04

    TCPR Transportable Computer-Based Patient Record 07/09/04

    TCSC Telecommunications Customer Service Council

    (formerly TOB)


    TDA Transfer of Disbursing Authority 07/09/04

    TDE Terminology Development Environment 07/09/04

    TECHS Tools Ensuring Consumer Healthcare Safety 06/13/07

    TED Training, Education, and Development 07/09/04

    TEFRA Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act 07/09/04

    Telnet Remote login (Internet) 07/09/04

    TEMPO Training Education Management Program Office 07/09/04

    TEP Technical Evaluation Plan

    TF Treating Facility 07/09/04

    TIBOD Technical Integration Board of Directors 07/09/04

    TIDES Translating Initiatives for Depression into Effective


    TIDES: Translating Initiatives for Depression into

    Effective Solutions TIDES: Translating Initiatives for

    Depression into Effective Solutions TIDES: Translating

    Initiatives for Depression into Effective Solutions


    TIMPO Tri-Service Infrastructure Management Program Office 07/09/04

    TINA Truth in Negotiations Act

    TIP Telecommunications Infrastructure Project 07/09/04

    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    TITLE 1 TITLE 1 Hill Burton


    TITLE 18 TITLE 18 Medicare

    TITLE 19 TITLE 19 Medicaid

    TITLE 5 TITLE 5 Maternal and Child Health

    TIU Text Integration Utility 07/09/04

    TIWG Technical Integration Working Group 07/09/04

    TMA TRICARE Management Activity 07/09/04

    TMC Training Management Committee 07/09/04

    TMED Telemedicine 07/09/04

    TMII Theater Medical Information Infrastructure 07/09/04

    TMIP Theater Medical Information Program 07/09/04

    TMP Telecommunication Modernization Project 07/09/04

    TOB Telecommunications Oversight Board (now TCSC as of



    TPL Third-Party Liability

    TPOC Technical Point of Contact

    TPP TPP Third Party Payer

    TQM Total Quality Management A work process analysis technique that strives to give

    teams of workers the tools necessary to examine their

    process to find ways to improve service and reduce



    TQS Terminology Query Service An OMG Interface Specification standard addressing

    lexical mediation.


    TRAC2ES TRANSCOM Regulating and Command Control

    Evacuation System


    TRACS Total Record Archive Communication Systems 07/09/04

    TREP Targeted Research Enhancement Program 06/13/07

    TRIMIS Tri-Services Medical Information System (DoD) 07/09/04

    TRM Technical Reference Model The document that provides a framework and common

    vocabulary to describe the information systems domain.


    TRM/SP Technical Reference Model and Standards Profile 07/09/04

    TSC TSC TRICARE Service Center

    TSI Transition Systems, Inc. 07/09/04

    TSO Telecommunications Support Office 07/09/04

    TSPR Technical Services Project Repository 07/09/04

    TSS Telecommunications Support Service 07/09/04

    TSS Total Supply Support

    TTD Technology Transfer Division 07/09/04

    TVCS Trend Virus Control Software 07/09/04

    U.S.C. United States Code 07/09/04

    UAE Unexpected Adverse Events 06/13/07

    UBS Universal Billing System 07/09/04

    UD Unit Dose This is a module of Inpatient Medications which

    provides a standard computerized system for

    managing, dispensing, and administering inpatient



    UI Universal Interface 07/09/04

    UIC Unit Identification Code (E.G. N00178 )

    UM Utilization Management

    UM/QM Utilization Management /Quality Monitoring

    UMDNS Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System 06/13/07

    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    UML Unified Modeling Language A general-purpose notational language for specifying

    and visualizing complex software, especially large,

    object-oriented projects.


    UMLS Universal Medical Language System Helps health professionals and researchers retrieve and

    integrate electronic biomedical information from a

    variety of sources.


    UMMIPS Uniform Material Movement & Issue Priority System

    UMN Utilization Management Nurse

    UPC Universal Product Code

    UPIN Universal Physician Identification Number

    UPN Universal Product Number 07/09/04

    UPN Universal Product Number

    UR UR Utilization Review

    URAC Utilization Review Accreditation Commission 06/13/07

    URL Universal Resource Locator 07/09/04

    USAF United States Air Force

    USAFE United States Air Force in Europe

    USAISR U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research Provides requirements driven combat casualty care

    medical solutions and products for injured soldiers from

    self-aid through definitive care across the full spectrum

    of military operations; provides state-of-the- art burn,

    trauma, and critical care.


    USAMRMC U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command 07/12/07

    USC USC United States Code

    USD (P&R) Under Secretary for Defense for Personnel and



    USD(P&R) Under Secretary for Defense for Personnel and



    USDA United States Department of Agriculture 07/09/04

    USG United States Government 07/09/04

    USH Under Secretary for Health 07/09/04

    USMC United States Marine Corps

    USN United States Navy

    USP User Service Point 07/09/04

    USPHS U.S. Public Health Service 07/09/04

    USPHS U.S. Public Health Service

    USPTF United States Preventative Services Task Force 07/09/04

    USRDS United States Renal Data System 07/09/04

    USTF Uniformed Services Treatment Facility

    USUHS Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences 07/09/04


    Veterans Administration; More proper is the current

    term: Department of Veterans Affairs

    VA Department of Veterans Affairs Established in 1930 as the Veterans Administration,

    when Congress authorized the President to "consolidate

    and coordinate government activities affecting war


    VA has three main functions: to assist veterans with

    burial costs, to provide eligible veterans with medical

    care, and to provide eligible veterans with

    compensation/pension services. Among health

    researchers, VA is often used interchangeably with



    VA Acquisition Service Center

    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    VA ADERS Veterans Affairs Adverse Drug Event Reporting


    Integrated web based application that automates VA’s

    adverse drug event reporting process. SEE:

    Publication.asp?pub_ID=1773 SEE: cationSafety-



    VA HQ VA Headquarters 07/09/04

    VAAC VA Acquisition Circular

    VAAR VA Acquisition Regulations 07/09/04

    VAAR Veterans Administration Acquisition Regulation

    VAAS VA Assignment System 07/09/04

    VAASC VAASC VA Acquisition Service Center

    VAC Veterans Assistance Center 07/09/04

    VACIB VA Capital Investment Board 07/09/04

    VA-CIRC Veterans Affairs Central Incident Response Capability 07/09/04

    VACO VA Central Office 07/09/04

    VACOLS Veterans Appeals Control and Location System A database, provided by BVA with access in all regional



    VALNET VA Library Network 07/09/04

    VALO VA Learning Online 07/09/04

    VALOR Veterans Affairs Learning Opportunities Residency



    VALU VA Learning University 07/09/04

    VAM&ROC VA Medical and Regional Office Center A relatively large VA office that generally includes staff

    from all of the VBA elements and all VHA elements.


    VAM&ROC VA Medical and Regional Office Center

    VAMC Veterans Affairs Medical Center 07/09/04

    VAMC&OC VA Medical Center and Outpatient Clinic

    VAMROC Veterans Affairs Medical and Regional Office Center 07/09/04

    VAN Value Added Network A data network that supplements basic communications

    services acquired from a common carrier with additional

    features that correct transmission errors and ensure

    compatibility between dissimilar computers and



    VANOD VA Nursing Outcomes Database Purpose is to support strategic planning that includes

    nurse staffing levels, patient care interventions,

    identification of best practices, intra– and inter– facility

    comparisons, and health policy decisions.


    VANPC VA National Partnership Council 07/09/04

    VANTS VA National Teleconferencing System 07/09/04

    VAO VA Office 07/09/04

    VAR Value-Added Reseller

    VARI Veterans Administration Revenue Information 07/09/04

    VARO VA Regional Office 07/09/04

    VARO&OC VA Regional Office and Outpatient Clinic

    VASC VA System of Clinics

    VAST VA Station Tracking System The VA Station Tracking System, a database that

    contains the Station Number, Station Name, List of

    Services (primary services), Street Mailing Address,

    whether it is leased, contract, or VA-owned, the

    lease/contract date, and number of providers.


    VAVS VA Voluntary Service 07/09/04

    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    VB Visual Basic 07/09/04


    Veterans Benefits Administration, one of the business

    units of the DVA, gatekeeper to benefits

    VBA Veterans Benefit Administration The organization responsible to the Secretary for

    administering a wide variety of benefit programs

    authorized by the Congress.


    VBA Veterans Benefits Administration (formerly the SIUG)

    VBECS VistA Blood Establishment Software 07/09/04

    VC Veterans Center 07/09/04

    VCAC Veterans Claims Adjudication Commission Carries out studies of VA’s systems for the disposition

    of claims for veterans benefits and determines the

    efficiency thereby reducing the number of claims and

    enhances the ability to achieve the final determination.


    VCWG VValeo Conveners Working Group 07/09/04

    VDBSS VISTA/Defense Blood Standard System 07/09/04

    VDEF VistA Data Extraction Framework 07/09/04

    VDEM VistA Data Extraction Mapping 06/13/07

    VDL Vista Documentation Library 06/13/07

    VDSI VistA Data Systems & Integration 06/13/07

    VEAP Veterans Education Assistance Program 07/09/04

    VECP Value Engineering Change Proposal

    VEHU VHA eHealth University 06/13/07

    VERA Veterans Equitable Resource Allocation 07/09/04

    VERDICT Veterans Evidence Based Research, Dissemination,

    and Implementation Center


    VET POP File Veterans Population File 07/09/04

    VEV Vietnam Era Veterans 07/09/04

    VFIRP Veteran-Focused Internet Redesign Project 07/09/04

    VFW Veterans of Foreign Wars 07/09/04

    VGLI Veterans Group Life Insurance 07/09/04

    VHA Veterans Health Administration The organization responsible to the Secretary for

    providing health care services to eligible veterans.


    VHA Veterans Health Administration VHA is a division of VA responsible for providing

    medical care to eligible veterans.

    VHIT Veteran Health Information Technology 04/18/08

    VHP Veterans Health Plan 07/09/04

    VHS Veterans Health Study 07/09/04

    VIC Veteran Identification Card 07/09/04

    VIP Voluntary Insurance Plan

    VIReC VA Information Resource Center Develops and disseminates knowledge about

    databases; provides service to researchers who require

    information about data resources; and represents

    interests of researchers regarding VA databases and

    information systems.


    VIReC VA Information Resouce Center

    VIRMSS VHP Information Resources Management Support



    VISN Veterans Integrated Service Network The current organizational model for the Veterans

    Health Administration of VA. VHA is organized into 22

    separate VISNs.


    VISN Veterans Integrated Service Network The VA medical system is organized into 22 geographic

    networks known as VISNs. Each VISN contains two or

    more VAHCSs (VA health care systems) as well as

    outpatient clinics.

    VISN Veterans Integrated Service Network Utilization


    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    VIST Visually Impaired Service Teams 07/09/04

    VISTA Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology


    VA’s health care information system, which

    encompasses in-house developed applications, office

    automation applications, locally developed applications

    and commercial-off-the-shelf applications.


    VISTA Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology


    VISTA is the primary repository of clinical,

    administrative/financial, and infrastructure data in VA.

    It consists of computer systems at each VA medical

    center and the national network that links them. Within

    each VISTA implementation is a large number of

    separate 'modules' or 'packages' designed to store data

    on a particular subject and to produce management


    VIVA Veterans Information and Verification Access 07/09/04

    VLR VISN Logistics Representative

    VMEC VistA Maintenance & Expertise Center 06/13/07

    VoXML Voice XML 07/09/04

    VPFS Veterans Personal Finance System 07/09/04

    VPN Virtual Private Network 07/09/04

    VPOV Veteran Purpose of Visit 07/09/04

    VPR Virtual Patient Record 06/13/07

    VR&C Vocational Rehabilitation and Counseling 07/09/04

    VRAM Vocational Rehabilitation Automation Management


    A local WANG VS based case management program

    which traces the case status, generates correspondence

    and forms related to rehabilitation services, and

    provides management information for local use and

    input to national systems.


    VRB Value Review Board 07/09/04


    Veterans Service Center; The more modern and

    proper term for Regional Office.

    VSC Veterans Canteen Service 07/09/04


    Veterans Service Center Manager; The manager or

    director of the RO.

    VSO Veterans Service Officer

    VSO Veterans Service Organizations An organization dedicated to advocating veterans'

    causes and interests, and assisting veterans in their

    interactions with VA.



    Veterans Service Representative, a VBA employee

    accountable for early work on your claim

    VSR Veteran Service Representatives 07/09/04

    VSS Voluntary Service System 07/09/04

    VSSC VISN Support Service Center. aka VHA Support

    Service Center

    A field unit of the Chief Network Office. 04/18/08

    VTC Video Teleconferencing 07/09/04

    VUID VHA Unique Identifier 06/13/07

    W3C World Wide Web Consortium 07/09/04

    W3C World Wide Web Consortium (Formerly referred to as

    "unposted") Y2K Year 2000

    WAC Wholesale Acquisition Cost Wholesale acquisition cost is a value meant to

    approximate a wholesaler's cost for a particular


    WAIS Wide Area Information Service 07/09/04

    WAN Wide Area Network 07/09/04

    WAP Wireless Application Protocol 07/09/04

    WAVES Well-being Among Veterans Enhancement Study 06/13/07

    WBNB Wideband Narrowband 07/09/04

    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    WC Worker's Compensation

    WDDX Web Dynamic Data Exchange 07/09/04

    WEBOPS Web Operations VA Web Operations provides web site and enterprisebased

    application hosting services for all VA facilities

    and programs.


    WHO World Health Organization 07/09/04

    WHS WHS Washington Headquarters Services

    WIPP Work in Progress (WIP)

    WIPT Working Integrated Project Team 07/09/04

    WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction 07/09/04

    WMIS Wireless Controlled Substances 07/09/04

    WML Wireless Markup Language 07/09/04

    WMTS Wireless Medical Telemetry Services 07/09/04

    WO Warrant Officer

    WOC Without Compensation 07/09/04

    WRIISC War-related Illness and Injury Study Centers 06/13/07

    WSIP (VA) Web Search Improvement Project 07/09/04

    WWU Weighted Work Unit 07/09/04

    WWW World Wide Web 07/09/04

    WYSIWYG What you see is what you get 07/09/04

    X.12 Identification number for ANSI standard committee

    and the standards the committee issues


    XMI XML Metadata Interchange Enables easy interchange of metadata between

    modeling tools (based on the OMG UML) and metadata

    repositories (OMG MOF based) in distributed

    heterogeneous environments.


    XML Extensible Markup Language 07/09/04

    XQL XML Query Language 07/09/04

    Y2K Year 2000

DOD Welcome home-small.jpg A welcoming home for our Troops.

Welcoming home our men and women doesn't end after the crowd disperses, it MUST continue on for the life of the Veteran! They've served us, now we will serve them with programs that work so they reintegrate into society.

We are a national public benefit nonprofit organization that educates American Communities about best practices to serve Veterans.  We honor their service by empowering Veterans to apply their training and skills to successfully transition to productive careers and enterprises.

We provide free vocational training 24/7 to all of our members through our website, in addition to local events.  We believe the tenet that American Communities are the ultimate beneficiaries when Veterans claim their benefits and invest in productive endeavors.

The SWVBRC enlists the support of members of local Communities like you to increase Veteran awareness of the value of obtaining a VA card and receiving earned benefits.

Sponsorships, donations, volunteers and support from communities like yours enable us to reach out to Veterans and empower them to transition back into successful, productive enterprises that ultimately benefit all Americans and support future generations.

The Internal Revenue Service has determined that Southwest Veterans' Business Resource Center, Inc. is an organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. A donation to SWVBRC, Inc. is deductible to the extent permitted under law.

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